What is Bill of Material (BOM)?
A bill of material is an accounting entry used by a manufacturer, BOM (Bill of Material) is a comprehensive inventory of the raw materials, assemblies, parts, and components, as well as the quantities of each, needed to manufacture a product. Any Businessman who manufactures a product makes it a finished product, then he must use the bill of material (BOM)
Bill of Materials Examples
As we mentioned above in the definition of Bill of Material, making finished goods by producing any raw material is called bill of material, Now we tell you some examples of Bill of Material
1) Fabric jeans manufacturing
2) Customizing mobile phones
3) Manufacture children’s Toys
Different types of Bill of Materia
The Following are the different types of Bill of Material
Assembly Bill of Material
Single Level Bill of Material
Multi-Level Bill of Material
Configurable Bill of Material
Service Bill of Material
Manufacturing Bill of Material
Sales Bill of Material
Engineering Bill of Material
Bill of Material in Tally Prime
So by now, you have learned that what is Bill of Material, now we are going to tell you in detail in this article that if you want to learn how to maintain the accounting of bill of material/process of the bill of material in tally software, then you have to follow the steps from which will have to follow you will be explained in detail
Step 1: First of all you have to create a new company by opening Tally Prime and enter your details it,

Step 2: After creating a company in Tally prime software, in 2nd step, you have to create a group of raw material and finish Goods

Step 3: After creating the groups, in the next step, you have to create your stock of raw material and finish goods.
Stock Item |
Under Group |
Hard Disk |
Raw Material |
Ram |
Raw Material |
Keyboard |
Raw Material |
Mouse |
Raw Material |
Monitor |
Raw Material |
Processor |
Raw Material |
Data Cables |
Raw Material |
Cabinet |
Raw Material |
Raw Material |
Samsung Computer |
Finish Good |
When you create a stock of raw material and finish good, you have to add the details of each stock item there.

Step 4: After creating all the stock items you have to purchase them in the next step

Step 5: After entering the purchase, you have to set the bill of material in the stock item of the finished goods and configure it, first of all, you have to open the stock item with finished goods and while it is there, press the F12 key form your keyboard, while will bring you to the screen with the configuration, and while on the configuration screen, you have to YES the option (Set Component list Bill of Material in Stock Item). after clicking this option, a new option will be shown on the screen containing the stock item of finished goods (Alter Component)

Step 6: Now in the next step you have to set the bill of material inside your finished goods, That is, what raw material will be required to make a finished good, that configuration will have to be done, form which when that bill of material in entered, then all this will come automatically there.

So far, we have explained all the basic information to you with the help of the post, but the bill of material is a very advanced topic and all the steps from this onward are most important. So if you want to learn the Bill of Material step by step complete it in detail then you can
watch the video given below
You will get complete information basic to advanced in this video and if you have any doubt even after watching the video then you can contact us on WhatsApp your doubt will be cleared and if you find the way to understand our video, then you can also buy our courses, in this, you will be given basic to advanced complete information which will make you knowledge of account much bigger than before, and along with the course, you will also be provided with a course completion certificate.
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