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Activate lter Alt + ↓

Create table Ctrl + T

Select table row Shift + Space

Select table column Ctrl + Space

Select table (when active cell is in table) Ctrl + A

Clear slicer lter Alt + C

Run Spellcheck F7

Open Thesaurus Shift + F7

Open Macro dialog box Alt + F8

Open VBA Editor Alt + F11

Duplicate object Ctrl + D

Snap to grid (whilst dragging) Alt

Hide or show objects Ctrl + 6

Open Modify Cell Style dialog box Alt + ‘

Show right-click menu Shift + F10

Display control menu Alt Space

Insert new worksheet Shift + F11

Go to next worksheet Ctrl + PgDn

Go to previous worksheet Ctrl + PgUp

Rename current worksheet Alt + O , H R

Delete current worksheet Alt + E , L

Move current worksheet Alt + E , M

Select adjacent worksheets Ctrl + Shift + PgUp/PgDn

Select non-adjacent worksheets Ctrl + Click

Toggle scroll lock ScrLk

Toggle full screen Ctrl + Shift + F1

Print Ctrl + P

Open print preview window Ctrl + F2

Set print area Alt + P , R S

Clear print area Alt + P , R C

Zoom in Ctrl + Mouse Wheel Up

Zoom out Ctrl + Mouse Wheel Down

Protect sheet Alt + R , P S

Create new workbook Ctrl + N

Open workbook Ctrl + O

Save workbook Ctrl + S

Save as F12

Go to next workbook Ctrl + Tab

Go to previous workbook Ctrl + Shift + Tab

Minimize current workbook window Ctrl + F9

Maximize current workbook window Ctrl + F10

Protect workbook Alt + R , P W

Close current workbook Ctrl + F4

Close Excel Alt + F4

Expand or collapse ribbon Ctrl + F1

Move through Ribbon tabs and groups → ← ↑ ↓

Activate or open selected control Space OR Enter

Conrm control change Enter

Get help on selected control F1

Drag and cut Drag

Drag and copy Ctrl + Drag

Drag and insert Shift + Drag

Drag and insert copy Ctrl + Shift + Drag

Drag to worksheet Alt + Drag

Drag to duplicate worksheet Ctrl + Drag

Move one cell right →

Move one cell left ←

Move one cell up ↑

Move one cell down ↓

Move one screen right Alt + PgDn

Move one screen left Alt + PgUp

Move one screen down PgDn

Move to right edge of data region Ctrl + →

Move to left edge of data region Ctrl + ←

Move to top edge of data region Ctrl + ↑

Move to bottom edge of data region Ctrl + ↓

Move to beginning of row Home

Move to last cell in worksheet that contains data Ctrl + End

Move to rst cell in worksheet Ctrl + Home

Turn End mode on End

Extend selection right Shift + →

Extend selection left Shift + ←

Extend selection up Shift + ↑

Display ‘Go To’ dialog box Ctrl + G OR F5

Select cells with comments Ctrl + Shift + O

Select current region around active cell Ctrl + Shift + *

Select current region Ctrl + A

Select direct precedents Ctrl + [

Select all precedents Ctrl + Shift + {

Select direct dependents Ctrl + ]

Select all dependents Ctrl + Shift + }

Select visible cells only Alt + ;

Edit the active cell F2

Insert or edit comment Shift + F2

Delete comment Shift + F10 , M

Cancel editing Esc

Select one character right Shift + →

Select one character left Shift + ←

Move one word right Ctrl + →

Move one word left Ctrl + ←

Select one word right Ctrl + Shift + →

Select one word left Ctrl + Shift + ←

Select to beginning of cell Shift + Home

Select to end of cell Shift + End

Delete to end of line Ctrl + Delete

Delete character to left of cursor Backspace

Delete character to right of cursor Delete

Start a new line in the same cell Alt + Enter

Format cells Ctrl + 1

Display Format Cells with Font tab selected Ctrl + Shift + F

Apply or remove bold Ctrl + B

Apply or remove italics Ctrl + I

Apply or remove underscore Ctrl + U

Apply or remove strikethrough Ctrl + 5

Align center Alt + H , A C

Align left Alt + H , A L

Align right Alt + H , A R

Indent Alt + H , 6

Remove indent Alt + H , 5

Wrap text Alt + H , W

Apply general format Ctrl + Shift + ~

Apply general format Ctrl + Shift + ~

Apply time format Ctrl + Shift + @

Apply date format Ctrl + Shift + #

Apply currency format Ctrl + Shift + $

Apply percentage format Ctrl + Shift + %

Apply scientic format Ctrl + Shift + ^

Display Insert Dialog box Ctrl + +

Insert selected number of rows Ctrl + +